College Culture

Recommendations about the shared values, assumptions, beliefs, attitudes or ideologies that frame college level policies and procedures and also influence how individual college community members interact with one another. Click on the links below to see the full contents of the recommendations and publications that support these recommendations.

Administrators must be wary of intent-impact conflict in the design of programs to serve students.

Educate faculty, staff, and students for cultural competency, awareness of stereotypes and unconscious biases.

Institutional programs must support all minority student populations.

The institution must develop advising and mentoring programs that recognize the differences existing within racial/ethnic groups, social classes, and gender identifications.

Institutional programs must assist students in acquiring the appropriate social and cultural capital needed for success within the dominant culture of the academy.

Recognize that discrimination occurs even in the absence of reported discrimination.

Racial/ethnic-based student organizations must be structured in ways that honor the differences within the group and can serve the needs of all of the racial/ethnic group members.

General education requirements for U.S. institutions need to include a multi-cultural perspective on race issues in the U.S.

Recognize that students who are members of a minority group may lack understanding of diversity, inclusion, stereotypes (even of their own group), and how minority group membership interacts with U.S. culture.

Moderating institutional promotion of student experiential competition team images and competition performance might open opportunities for students who have financial or personal constraints that preclude extraordinary time commitment.

Faculty and staff advisors must take an active role in over-sight of student organization leadership and activities and develop understanding of the cultural issues and tensions inherent in the organizations.

Provide leadership and management instruction, mentorship, and guidance for students leading organizations and for all members of student experiential learning competition teams.

Engineering student advisors need to be aware of and often mediate students’ perceptions of required outside-of-major courses (e.g. calculus and physics) and faculty that can undermine student confidence and their commitment to an engineering degree.