Randa L. Shehab

Director, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering

E-mail: rlshehab at ou dot edu
Phone: (405) 325-2307

Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, University of Oklahoma
M.S., Industrial Engineering, University of Oklahoma
B.S., Industrial Engineering, University of Oklahoma

Dr. Randa L. Shehab is the Nettie Vincent Boggs Professor and the Director of the School of Industrial Engineering at the University of Oklahoma. She is co-founder and co-coordinator of the Data Science and Analytics MS Program. She also serves as Director of the Sooner Engineering Education Center and is a member of the Research Institute for STEM Education, a multi-disciplinary research group investigating factors related to equity and diversity in engineering student populations.

Before joining OU, she worked as an Ergonomics Consultant to the Manufacturing Ergonomics Laboratory at the General Motors Technical Center in Warren, Michigan. Dr. Shehab teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses in ergonomics, industrial engineering, and statistical design and analyses. Dr. Shehab has worked with the Spaceflight Ergonomics Research Program at OU since 1992 on issues related to cognitive performance of astronauts in microgravity. For more than the past decade, her research has focused on the advancement of equality and diversity in engineering education through the study of engineering students’ experiences and the improvement of the educational climate.

Dr. Shehab is a member of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, the American Society for Engineering Education, and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.


Engineering Education
Cognitive Ergonomics
Human-System Integration

Randa Shehab’s Vita 2016 June